
This page lists all content tagged with the term "Drupal".

Eric Pierce

I'm a software tester, developer, and graphic designer living in Colorado Springs with my wife and son. I have five years of experience with automated testing, ten years of software engineering and development, and fifteen years in illustration and 3D graphics.


This e-commerce site was built using Drupal.


We built this site with Drupal to meet our client's need for an interactive index of questions and answers, including categorization and searching, and a portal to additional resources and merchandise.

Home Grown Programmers

This website offers online courses in programming and information technology, and was built using Drupal along with the Moodle course management system.

Laurel Capital Group

LaurelCapital.com is a small landing-page site built with Drupal for professional appearance.

Displaying content based on logged in status, and updating view count on a view

Using a customfield view field: http://drupal.org/project/views_customfield
global $user;
if ($user->uid) {
         echo $content_to_display;
if (!$user->uid) {
echo substr($content_to_display,0,350);
echo " [...] <a href=\"/user/register\">Register</a> or <a href=\"/user/login\">log in</a>  to read more.";
// Need to do this b/c statistics won't update from a view
// Based on statistics.module
// MPF Oct 19, 2009
// A node has been viewed, so update the node's counters.

Drupal Ubercart Error

I received the following error in a virtual merchant payment gateway in UberCart:

Credit card payment declined error message. Array ( [errorCode] => 4009 [errorName] => Required Field Not Supplied [errorMessage] => The field Customer Code (ssl_customer_code) required but not supplied in the authorization request. )

To fix this, add the following between line 118 and 119 in uc_virtualmerchant.module:

'ssl_customer_code' => 1111,

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