
This page lists all content tagged with the term "Django".

The Perils of Trying to be Clever

  • Narrator: Tyler, you are by far the most interesting single-serving friend I've ever met... see I have this thing: everything on a plane is single-serving...
  • Tyler: Oh I get it, it's very clever.
  • Narrator: Thank you.
  • Tyler: How's that working out for you?
  • Narrator: What?
  • Tyler: Being clever.
  • Narrator: Great.

While working on Vittles today, I had a facepalm moment, preceded by an hour of desperate confusion.

A better way to document

Okay, I admit it; I'm not ashamed. I love to write documentation. Most of the time, I would rather write docs than code. That's one of the reasons I was thrilled to discover Read the Docs, a new website that makes it easy for developers to build and publish documentation. You can create quick one-off docs, or link up to existing docs you may have in a public Git, Mercurial, Subversion, or Bazaar repository.

Web Design & Development

On the surface, websites, like icebergs, are not a visually complete portrayal of the hidden mass that keeps the object afloat. As potential customers fly or sail by, you want to draw them in with a unique Visual Design and then be sure you can connect with them again. By analyzing website traffic via our web analytics module and using the information that is tracked from those visits we can help you increase the effectiveness of your site and marketing dollars. Don't let what cannot be seen keep you from a safe and profitable internet presence.

Eric Pierce

I'm a software tester, developer, and graphic designer living in Colorado Springs with my wife and son. I have five years of experience with automated testing, ten years of software engineering and development, and fifteen years in illustration and 3D graphics.

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